Allie kicked off the month of June by getting a head start on her dental care. We visited the
dentist and Allie did really good! She enjoyed meeting the hygienist - and while Allie remembers her name, she won't help me remember. Anyway, she was really sweet and made both of us comfy. Then, the doctor came in and made us feel even more comfortable. Allie did good as he looked all around her mouth - at all 6 teeth. We did find out some interesting things. The first visit they recommend is at 1 year old (oops...) and until
there is about 8-10 teeth they really just look to make sure everything is coming along alright. When we go back in about 6 months she will get a cleaning and I'll be brave for her. He also confirmed for us what we have learned first hand - kids with DS have their teeth come in a different order than other kids. We just see that as more spontaneity for us.... w
e don't really do boring at our house. The doc also explained that sometimes all of the baby teeth don't come in. Isn't that weird? He can't tell for sure with Allie until we do x-rays and he didn't see the need for that at this point. We like to be surprised, so we will wait. He could tell her top middle teeth are there and will surface at some point. Since our visi
t at the 1st of the month Allie has 2 more teeth popping in. They are causing her a small amount of discomfort, but she is one tough cookie (as you all remember), so things are good. Oh, we also learned that kids with DS often have more plaque on their teeth, but less cavities overall. So, that was our dental experience. We came home and promptly started to use a "grown-up" toothbrush instead of our little finger gum cleaner (my baby is growing up!!). I was very
impressed in watching Allie the first time she tried to brush her teeth. You can see from these pictures, she was a pro. That's my girl!Allie wants to remind you to take care of your teeth!
1 comment:
Dear Allie, I can hardly wait to see you again and to hold and love on you. You are so precious. We will see you in about 14 days, I better start making your request (you remember). It will be so wonderful. Love, Gramma
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