We got there early and took a moment to go sit on Santa's velvety green chair before he was using it. I thought maybe that would help Allie be comfortable. She clearly was comfy in his chair and gave me some wonderful pictures. Then, we ate
breakfast, talked to Santa a bit, ran into some good friends
like Karyn, Amy, Jenny and Victoria and met many new friends including some of our future therapists from our county! Then, we realized that Santa was no where to be found. He must be in his chair! So, we quickly headed over to the "North Pole" to find we weren't first in line this year. In fact, we had quite a wait, but enjoyed it wit
h our friends Lisa and her son, Noah. This is where Noah and Allie wooed the crowd with their cuteness and we met several new friends there as well.
The big moment came... Allie's turn. I put Allie in Santa's lap and prayed the man (boy?) taking the pictures would take some really good ones. Turns out, he didn't seem to be capturing an
y from what I could tell. Allie looked at Santa, Santa looked at Allie. Allie was a perfect Angel. The man told me to look at the pictures and pick one and I didn't have the heart to tell him that none of them captured my "moment". So, I said thank you... picked a picture and promptly put Allie back on Santa's lap and grabbed my favorite picture of all (complete with my finger over the lens, but I was able to crop it
I was so proud of Allie. As you can see, that day she took a pause in the "only Mommy mood" and went to several friends and Santa. She is such a big girl. I think she knew it was an important photographic day for Mommy. Santa was wonderful to us, too.
And... wouldn't you know... a few weeks later another one of Santa's family members (his brothers help out with the store visits, you know) was waiting for us at our local Walmart! Allie again
went right to him. This time it was while sporting her Chicago Bears outfit that Aunt Mo-Mo gave her and Aunt Mo-Mo was at the game that day. AND The Bears won
(this is a big deal, you know). So, my little trooper seemed to move quickly out of the "Mommy Only" phase and picked a wonderful time for it. Unfortunately, the rest of the month found Allie under the weather and we had to miss several much anticipated Christmas gatherings. But, we gave Allie lots of hugs and took care of her and reminded ourselves that there is always next year.

We hope your Christmas was very Merry and
Bright and that Santa was very good to you, too!
The Lovell Family
The Lovell Family
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