Saturday, January 10, 2009

Reality Check

Dear Friends,

Last night Allie and I stopped into the NICU to visit some of Allie's past nurses, Stacy, Brandy and Donna. At one point, Stacy was feeding a very tiny baby. For a moment, it seemed like I had never seen a baby so tiny in my life! I was amazed at how small she looked! Such an itty bitty baby. I inquired into the weight of the baby and was a bit shocked to hear she was over 4 pounds. Reality hit when I realized Allie was once much smaller than that tiny baby I saw. Stacy confirmed it by saying, "Oh, Allie was much smaller. She was so tiny." Stacy was there when Allie was born. She was the one that was so patient as Tim ran from my room to the NICU to see Allie and take the pictures I wanted to see of her. She was the one that was so patient as I visited Allie for the first time. Memories and experiences I will treasure forever.

As I looked at the baby last night and was taken back to a time - not so long ago - I counted my blessings again. Which, I really do so much more now because of Allie. We are so fortunate to have had the kind, loving, caring and diligent staff at the NICU. They kept Allie getting stronger and stronger and they helped us get stronger and stronger, too. It is hard to believe Allie was so small. But, at a little less than 2.5 ounces and 13 inches long, she was small. Yes... 13 inches - just a little bit longer than that ruler you have on your desk. 2.5 pounds ... so small, so light. Such a miracle.

Allie has come so far since November 19, 2007 - 1 year, 1 month, 3 weeks and 1 day ago. Yesterday we visited our wonderful pediatrician and she weighed in at 12 pounds, 1 ounce. ("You go, Girl") Yes, I've heard the stories of how some of your babies were born at almost that weight. Well, mine is almost 14 months old and I've had the pleasure of having a baby so much longer than most people. You wished those months didn't fly past with your little one. I must say as much as I've seen them fly past, I realize I have gotten to enjoy them longer and you can bet I'm treasuring every moment. Allie is still very tiny. I'm told that the pictures I post don't do justice and show just how small she is. I've tried to think of a way to show her size. If you have some good prop ideas that might help demonstate her size for all of you, let me know. I'm always interested in a creative photo and I'm willing to take and post a few more pictures.

Allie is right on track with many things. She wasn't supposed to be born until 01-01-08 - our 7th wedding anniversary, but she came early and so much smaller than a baby her age would have been. So, with her adjusted age and the medical situations she has endured, we are proud and happy to say she is right on track and impresses us with new "tricks" daily.

Allie is our blessing and we are proud to share her with you. Even our silent-blog visitors. We see you and thank you for taking an interest in our daughter. She is the best thing that has ever happened to Tim and I. Nicky even seems to embraced his little sister more and more. Maybe it helps that she is now willing and able to share her food with him. Not only is she a tough cookie... she is one smart cookie, too!

A look back:

Allie and Mommy

Daddy and his little angel.

Daddy's hand covers Allie because she is so small.

While this isn't the prettiest picture of Allie, I think it
really shows just how little she was. This tiny diaper
(the size of my cell phone or a doll diaper)
is baggy on little Allie.

What a blessing Allie is to us and to many of you. What a blessing all of our doctor's, nurses, therapists, teachers, friends and family are to us. You've helped Allie be the healthy and the wonderful one year old she is today. You've helped us in so many ways.

Thank you God, for our Angel.


LuLu's Lane said...

She is beautiful and full of joy! What a blessing and miracle that God has given you guys. That picture is too cute and as always with that big smile. :)

Jenny G said...

Oh how I can relate to this post! We go back to the NICU at Brookwood every year on V's birthday. Although she wasn't as tiny as Allie, even at 4 lbs 12 oz, she was like a doll and going back every year just makes us realize how far she has come and what things were like when we were in that hospital. I remember when we were in there with her, someone with a one year old came in that had been in the NICU and our doctor told us - that'll be V, running around full of energy and I just couldn't see it at the time, not that little baby laying so helpless in that bed, but sure enough, he was right! The little ones seem to be the most full of energy and they have the smiles that light up a room, sure is true for Allie! We are all blessed to know Allie!!!!

Eric, Marilyn, and Elliott said...

What an awesome picture, with her little updo and her giant smile! I'm so glad that she and Elliott are buddies. (By the way, I saw him practicing her side-to-side wave this morning instead of his usual up-and-down style of wave!)

SavannaLea said...

You can't help but love her...that smile is contagious. She is such a blessing to you I know, but she is a blessing to everyone else she meets too. The best packages are always the small ones, and she has definitely proved that during her first year!