What is Down Syndrome??
Simply put - Allie has an extra chromosome on her 21st set of chromosome's. This is why it is called Trisomy 21. It is commonly called Down syndrome because of the doctor who discovered it - Dr. Down. This happened at conception and each cell in her body has this extra chromo. There is no cure for DS and it occurs in every race and every age group. One in every 800 babies born has Down syndrome. The extra chromosome basically causes changes in her appearance and her abilities. The changes range from person to person just as people without DS are so different from one another - but, similar as
Since becoming involved with Down syndrome, I've realized I was not the only ignorant one. In fact, many people that have relatives or friends with DS still don't fully understand "today's DS". I say that because anyone older than 12 years old really didn't have all the chances for success and distance that Allie has today. (And there are some amazing over 12 year olds that are doing all the same things others are d
oing. The possibilities for Allie are actually endless!) This is because of Early Intervention (EI). It was discovered and proven that children that get EI between birth and 3 years old do much better than those that don't. The brain develops at an amazing rate during those years and teaching children during that time is very important for their long range ability to learn and develop "typically". Allie attends daycare and will attend school with her 'typical' peers. It is our goal to raise awareness so that when she does go to school she is not made fun of or have to have children tell her that their parents won't let them play with her. I realize I can't stop all of this from happening, but I do believe the more awareness we raise the chances of Allie and others going through this discrimination reduces. But, we can't do it alone.
As you know, Allie can do many things - some that typical children can't. Allie can't talk verbally yet (in part due to muscle tone from DS, in part due to hearing loss and maybe even due to her prematurity) but she communicates very well with American Sign Language. She has - at last count - 60 words she ca

We'd love to see you at the Buddy Walk!
Sandy, Tim, Allie and Nicky (woof!)
(Allie is just about to sign "cookie" in this picture)
Hello. I stumbled on your blog by way of LuLu's world. I really enjoyed reading this post and reading about all of your little Allie's accomplishments! What a beautifully bright little girl. My bestfriend gave birth just last week to a daughter who was diagnosed with Down Syndrom. I will definitely have to point her to your blog for inspiration as she begins her journey!
Dear Allie:
As always your blog is fun and pictures of beautiful you, and the Down explanation by your mother are much appreciated.
I see of you, Mom & Dad at the far left in the blog picture of last years Buddy Walk.
We hope this years Buddy Walk is a HUGE success!
Love, Grandpa Hugh & Granma Connie
Dear Allie and Mom & Dad,
I just finished reading and viewing all the slide shows. WOW you have been one busy family.
I am trying to see your blog everyday, because in Kansas City, I have no contact with a computer.
I really missed seeing it. Grandpa
kept me aware of all that has happened to you.
You keep learning Allie and have a
beautiful life. What a great start you have. My love to all of you.
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