Dear Readers of My Blog,
Hi! This is Allie. I want to tell you about my day. Today we had my 2nd Birthday Party. It was SO much fun! Mommy planned it so we could hang out with friends and just play, play
, play. So, that is what we did. We had it at a park not far from my house. Mommy and her friend Melissa and Melissa's daughter Hannah got there early and set it all up. It looked really pretty. There were balloons everywhere and lots of cupcakes. Everything was decorated in autumn colors which is really neat because I'm learning about Fall at school. I'm learning about trees and l
eaves and colors like orange, yellow, brown, red and green, too. My cupcakes were orange, yellow and brown. Mommy also had treats for everyone like cookies and granola bars (I think
that was Daddy's idea). I'm sure it was Daddy's idea to bring Germx for everyone, too. He says you have to be really careful and not get sick. He is really smart. Mommy and her friend Melissa made Goody Bags for my friends, too. They had bubbles, stickers, a top, a Frisbee and some candy in them. My older friends got some similar things plus some Silly Bandz. I think
when I'm older I'll want some of them!! Want to know who came to my birthday party? Let's see... Edie, Marley & her little baby sister Carly
n, Daniel and his cousin came, too! Madison and her big brother Dylan, Jack, Ethan, LeLe, Victoria, Kaylee, Hannah and Milika. Milika is my teachers daughter. I met her at school - so, you know this means my teacher, Ms. LaKeitha was the
re, too! Aunt Shea also came to the party!! Of course, you know that all my friends brought their parents, right? We just aren't old enough to drive yet.
I had so much fun at my birthday party. I wish all of you could have come there and celebrated with me. We had such a beautiful day. Mommy said it was about 70 degrees and
it was only windy when we tried to tie the balloons down. The sun was out and there were lots of clouds, too. It was a perfect Fall Birthday Party. Thanks everyone! Now... its time to get serious about these Terrible Twos. I've got some work to do to meet up with the standard I've been hearing about. Okay... way past my bedtime. I'm so sleepy!
Mommy did bring my little bike and everyone had fun playing on it and with some of my toys, too. Everyone sang to me and we ate yu
mmy cupcakes. I actually ate some of mine, but I also wore a lot of it, too. Then, we went to the playground and slide on the slides and climbed around. It was so much fun. We ran out of time to open presents - and Mommy said my attention span was a little short (hmmm... who is she calling short?), so we are going to open them tomorrow. When we got home, Daddy went to get a pizza because my teacher told Mommy I LOVE pizza. But, I like to throw my food on the floor at home and not eat it, so I did that instead. Drives Mommy a bit nuts, but it is fun for me and Nicky.
Allie B. Lovell
Turning 2 officially in just a few days
Looks like Allie had a great birthday!! Still can't believe she is 2!!!
It was a perfect day and Allie's party was so much fun! We are so happy we got to celebrate with y'all!
I had the best time! It was awesome! Allie is growin' up!! She is still so adorable =)
Happy 2nd B-day Allie! She has gotten so big and still has that super gorgeous smile! Love that last pic of her. It looks like you guys celebrated Big and had lots of fun.
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