Wow! Time really flies - especially when you have an amazing child like Allie to learn from. The past two years have flown past. I remember 2 years ago this night being very nervous.....Allie's Grandparents (known to many of you as Hugh and Connie) stopped in on Friday night for a quick visit (or so they thought) on their way back from Tampa as they headed home to Chicago. They were shocked and excited to find out that my doctor was indicating she felt that Allie would be born the following Monday. This would have put me a day earlier than 6 weeks early. Too early in my opinion, but no one seemed to be listening to the very nervous Mama-To-Be. As many of you know, the pregnancy was filled with many ultrasounds to watch Allie
grow and since she wasn't growing at the pace they expected her to, they were nervous. They were also worried about many other things within Allie. For many weeks, I had been going to the hospital twice a week to be monitored - Stress Tests they called them. They were able to listen to Allie and determine if she was in stress (I think they were trying to make Me be stressed). But, the night before that potential birth day, I was nervous and although I wanted to meet Allie - I was very spoiled in that I had her with me every second of the day and I wanted it to stay that way until she grew a little more. But, when we went in for the Stress Test, the fluid around Allie dropped and we found out that she would be born that day - within hours! Allie came into the world at 6:34 pm. I remember the time because it is my Dad's birthday 6/34 and having him there to see her as they whisked her from the OR to the NICU was wonderful! Poor Tim was in such a
panic as they took Allie to the NICU. I had made him swear on his life that he wouldn't leave Allie's side for a second. (I quickly learned that those NICU folks are awesome and we ended up leaving Allie there without worry). While heading to the NICU, the nurses asked if there was anyone that wanted to meet Allie before they got to the NICU. Tim was shocked at this and was afraid he'd miss this opportunity if he didn't rush, so he scared the daylights out of Grandma, Grandpa, Melissa and Shea as he urgently and rather insistently told
them to come quickly to see "her". They thought they were coming to see me and were shocked to see Little Allison in the hallway! We don't have many pictures of this event because he scared them so much no one grabbed their cameras! :-) This was the first time they got to see Allison Bailey Lovell - our Allie - all 2 1/2 pounds of her. She was already feisty and ready to go. Since then, things haven't slowed down. We've been so blessed with Allie. She has come through major hurdles and had to fight to accomplish so many things. She made it through the NICU, she got through Heart Surgery like a pro and then managed to get through 3 ear tube surgeries with more worry to her Mommy than anyone. Now, look at her.
At 15.6 pounds and 28 inches long, Allie can do so many things. She loves to play - toys are so much fun to her. She loves music and will dance whenever she wants or whenever you ask her to (see her Car Dancing Video below). This little girl loves her music! She can feed herself and is often very determined to do it. She can communicate with us in many ways. She knows 90+ words in sign language, can read about a dozen words, is very expressive with her actions and even vocalizing more and more these days. She can crawl all over the house, can help dress herself, loves her bubble baths, loves her signing videos, her puppy dog and her therapists, teachers and administrative staff at school. Not to mention every family member she has ever met! She knows Mommy and Daddy are the most awesome people ever and seems to know she has a huge fan club. I know this because she has had the "princess wave" down for a long time and no one taught her it at all. She is a very loving and happy little girl who has made her Mommy and Daddy's life complete just by being here with us.
I was so afraid 2 years ago this night and I'm so thankful she was born when she was. I will never forget meeting Allie face to face for the first time. As soon as I said "Hi, Allie.. it is me, Mommy", she opened her eyes and looked right at me. I knew then that everything was going to be just fine. Everything happens exactly as it is supposed to happen and although I wish I could slow time down, I also know to enjoy every minute and do my best not to waste any of them. Allie makes it easy... sitting and playing with her is so much fun and so rewarding. Happy Birthday, Allie. We love you and are so proud of who you are and who you are becoming. You are our Amazing Allie. We are so thankful God blessed us with you. You are perfect!
Allie loves music and while on a short road trip the other day, I captured her dancing to her Daddy's music. See why I love hanging out with this girl? She makes everything fun! I hope you always dance, my dancin' girl!
Allie is rocking in that video!
Our little Rocker, she seems to enjoy the music.....
Love, Hugs, & Kisses to our sweet little Angel...
WOW.... Two Years old, time flies..
The Mizes.....
Happy Birthday, Allie!! You are an amazing little girl and I am so blessed to know you and your mommy!!
Happy happy birthday, precious girl!!! Tell Mommy and Daddy to give you big hugs and kisses for me!!!
Well, Allie, You are indeed a Princess. We are so very grateful you have come into our lives.
Thank you for all the love you have shown and may God's Blessings be continually yours.
Love, Granma
Dear Allie: How great to see you and your videos. ou sure are one accomplished 2 year old. We love to see and hear about all you can do, and relive the time of your birth.
Love you lots Allie! Grandpa
hahahahahahahahaha .................... so cute!
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