Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Can Slide - All By Myself (Almost)

Okay, so Mommy had to put me on top of the slide, but I held on and pushed off and I loved it! Mommy taught me to "Wait, Wait, Wait" until she got ready to take pictures and catch me at the bottom. It was so much fun. I wasn't scared on any slide at all! I can't wait to climb up the stairs and up the slide like the big kids did and do it on my own!!! Here are some pictures of our first real day at the park this year!
I want to do it, but my legs just won't do it yet.

This is me signing "AGAIN" or more acurately,
"Mommy, I want to do this again, I'm serious.
I want to do it again... now"
(Mommy says:
She is very determined and knows what she wants)

There is so much to look at at the park!

Oh... before we went to the park we saw my friend Victoria play her first ballgame. It was fun, I watched about 2 seconds of the game and waved to everyone! I think when I'm older I may play, too. And, Victoria hit the ball, too!


Anonymous said...

I am so happy you like the park slide Allie. Your Mother did also at your age ... and probably still does. Great fun at the park pictures. Also, talking about baseball on your blog, I've got to tie it together and say ... slide, Allie, slide! ... Love, Grandpa

Charlean said...

The "Again" picture is my favorite! She looks so determined to get her point across.

Katie B said...

I love Allie's serious face. She means business, doesn't she?