Voting has begun! Help us get Allie on the cover, please. I think eventually it will have her name next to her picture, but for now she is the first one in the Special Needs category. She is wearing a yellow top and looks her typical happy self (See picture above). Voting goes through the end of October, so please vote as often as you feel like it – they ask that you vote once a day from as many computers as you have access to. I actually don't expect you to do it daily, but as you think of it, please vote. Also, the kids are super cute, so we will need your help!
Also… you probably know this, but I feel the need to repeat it - the reason I do these type of things is to try to bring awareness for Down syndrome. The more people know about it and see perfectly normal little kids like Allie, the less frightening it is for them (regardless if they are an expectant parent, a parent of a friend of a child with Down syndrome, or any number of examples). The less other people are afraid or ignorant about Down syndrome, the more normal of a life Allie will have and the more acceptance she will experience.
The goal right now is to get her on the cover of their Special Needs edition (which I heard they may have 2 next year!!) and spread the word and spread the Allie Love. :-)
Thanks… happy voting! Please spread the word if you'd like.
Thanks… happy voting! Please spread the word if you'd like.
Also, as a side note... this is the first year they are doing online voting exclusively, therefore the site may not always work properly or quickly as they may experience a huge surge of votes (hopefully due to Allie's Fan Club -Allie's Allies) If you run into trouble voting, please just come back and try again later in the day.
Captain of Allie's Fan Club
Sandy and Tim
a/k/a “Mama” "Mom" "Mommy" or whatever Lil Bit decides to call me. :-)
and a/k/a DaDa (her most favorite thing to say, recognize, ask about and favorite sign to do)
XOXOXOXOXOX to all of you!
You have my votes!!!!
I have a good feeling about the cover! I have been voting from my home and work computers. She's bound to win!
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